Thursday, April 10, 2008

Daycare April 10

One day, with the sun shining and the dogs barking, Olive came to her first day at the Paw. She entered the daycare room a little unsure and frightened of the other dogs. What was this place? Who were all these dogs and why were they barking at her? Who were these people and why were they gushing over her? She hid under a bench and started working through the possibilities. Maybe this was the initiation to the Paw dog club. Like if you can stand the barking for long enough, your in... but that wouldnt explain the people gushing. Maybe she had lost a tooth ... but that wouldnt explain the dogs barking. Gasp! Maybe she had poop on her nose! How embarassing!... but no, that wasnt it either. She left for home that day still confused.

On her third or fourth day at daycare Olive, still a little worried, watched as a brother/sister pair, Bella and Radar, entered the room. From the moment she saw them, she knew... these are my sole mates! She burst from under the bench and ran straight over to them. Radar smelled great but Bella... WOW! She had never met a dog so wonderful in her life and regardless of Bella's reserved personality, she knew she felt the same way about her. She started talking so fast she couldnt get all the words out ... "Omigosh! mynumisOlive an iluvyou!" And you know what!? Bella loved her too! In fact, everyone loved her... ie the barking, ie the gushing. It all made sense now and her Bella let her see it all. She vowed to spend the rest of her paying Bella back for this gift with a million kisses... more if she could count any higher :)

Now that Olive is an old hand at the daycare thing she has become very involved in many of the daycare activities. In fact, as of a week ago, she was appointed the new head of the welcome crew (a title she practices heavily on her greatest love Bella every Thursday). She is also working her way up the ladder in puppy class.. her goal, of course, to become the best and teach Bella everything she knows.

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