Friday, April 11, 2008

Daycare April 11

Hey Everybody!

In honor of our recently acquired donation, todays blog stars the one, the only, Domino-Pomino :)

Our precious Domino comes to daycare everyday. She is such a regular that she has her own spot on the couch. If you are looking into the lounge from the lobby it is the spot out of the sun all the way to right but not quite in the corner and if you ask her, Yes... it has her name on it. When Domino has the unfortunate task, due to her Dad's early classes, of coming in to the Paw at the ungodly hour of 9 am-ish she enters the lobby half asleep and yawning her head off. She slowly walks into the lounge and WHAM! ... she is hit slam into the wall by an over-eager, totally in love, Rocco. You may not know this, but Domino is the President of the Friend Committee. She didnt choose this role but if you watch the web-cams carefully you'll see why she has it. Domino is everyones best friend. When she enters the daycare room, its an event and when dogs get picked up at night and their owners ask "who did they play with?" one of the most common answers is "Domino-Pomino". We even interviewed a few pups to see what they had to say about her.

Paw: "Marlon, who would you say is you best friend here at daycare?"
Marlon: "Well, I dont want to be mean... and I really love everyone but I do seem to have an amazing time with Domino. She been here since my first day and she plays great!"

Paw: "How about you Olive, who's, your favorite?"
Olive: "Omg! Ijusluvevybdy! Ofcrs, Domsjesgreat! " (hope you got that, she talks pretty fast)

Paw: "And you Rocco? How do you feel about Domino?"
Rocco: "She's...... so..... fun....!"

Rocco is mid play with Domino as we speak so is unable to comment at length but I think you get the point. Nip, nip, chase, STOP, bark bark, nip, chase... it goes on and on, Domino giving each of her friends a chance to play with her ... until suddenly.... YAaaaaWN... its nap time again, back in that special corner she calls her own.

Thanks Domino for being the awesome dog you are and thanks Bob for your very generous donation to a basset in need.


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