Monday, January 11, 2010

Agility Training at The Collared Scholar!

For those of you who don't know, we recently launched our new Agility classes! We are offering an Introduction to Agility class Saturday mornings and we are also hosting an Agility Club designed to give dogs who may lack certain social skills the ability to train and compete in agility!

This past Saturday, we held our graduation day. We set up an obstacle course featuring all of the obstacles our students learned over the 6 week course and held a mini competition. We are very proud of all of our students and are excited for them to join the club and fine tune their training for competition!

Here is a video of Graduation Day!

And for those of you who were in our first Agility Class, we did video graduation so don't feel left out. We are having some "technical difficulties" and hope to have the video posted ASAP.


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