Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Daycare June 11th

We've heard of people wearing their hearts on their sleeve...well, this little girl wears hers right on her face :) This is Java! She is the poster child for Labradors. She is unabashedly friendly, adorably innocent, and the definition of easy going. In the daycare room, her ultimate goal is to be a social butterfly... though she's still working out the kinks. She starts her day by saying hi to all daycare attendees and deciding in her head who's friendship will be the most beneficial that day. Today she decided on Shadow (rescued Pit Bull) and Sydney (Bull Terrier). She chose Shadow because, being a rescue, she pretty much lives at the Paw so she'll have the most gossip, and Sydney because...too be honest... because she's fun.. not really much to do with the butterfly project (kink number one- not being able to resist play).

Once Java picks her "friends" she proceeds to map out the most efficient way to get information, share information, and gab gab gab about that information to the most dogs in the shortest amount of time. She had already ruled out barking the info as loud as possible because one of the keys to becoming a social butterfly is maintaining one on one relationships. So the only option is to go to each dog individually... this is how it works:

1. Go see the all knowing Shadow in her kennel and entice her to share some juicy news... she loves Java so of course she obliges.
2. Go immediately to the closest dog and share.
3. Laugh, and bond over the news
4. Get to next available dog ASAP and repeat step 3 (running from dog to dog is imperative to saving time and talking to most dogs)
5. Be loved by all and honored as being the most friendly and most outgoing dog in daycare.
6. And finally go back to Shadow for some more "juice" :)

Unfortunately, in the middle of all this is where more of the kinks come in. Although the above six steps is the plan Java maps out, here is what actually takes place:

1. Go see Shadow.
2. Get distracted in the middle of Shadow's story by Sydney who wants to play.
3. Play with Syd for a good half hour (geeze! she cant be rude ;)
4. Gab to Syd about the news but realize in the middle of it she never heard the end.
5. Go back to Shadow to get the rest of the story, vowing she'll hear the rest of it so she can start her socializing.
6. And repeat steps 2-5

Oh Java...


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