Thursday, May 22, 2008

Daycare May 22

We're back! and we are no longer that lazy dazy Monday. This group has been playing all week and have become true professionals. They enter the Paw with their heads high, run into the daycare room like they live there and frantically catch up with their friends with a series of jumps, punches, sniffs, yelps, and slobbery kisses.

The diamond in the rough this morning is the lovely Shaak Ti. This gorgeous dame is a cross between JRT and Dalmation, has the most stunningly light blue eyes I have ever seen, and is totally deaf. Fox had the pleasure of meeting this lil princess for the first time today and he fell instantly in love. Cant say I blame him...look at that mug! Every picture I took of the new couple looked like a glamor shot of Shaak Ti (and for some reason, a protection shot of Fox... maniac!). She even manages to body slam Fox with grace and style.

Currently, apart from Fox and back in the lounge with the other rascals, Shaak Ti is staring longingly at Katie (her past foster mom). She seems to know exactly how to use her looks to her advantage. Right now she is saying "Hello Katie... I would like to please come out of here and go to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory... I promise if you take me I will never misbehave again, hey! dont roll your eyes, look into my eyes... would these beautiful eyes lie to you?" (Insert song here -- "Trust In Me" from Disney's the Jungle Book, sung by Python Kaa to hypnotize Moglie) Click here to see excerpt.

Also at the Paw today is an old favorite, Izzy! From the moment she entered the lounge she has been giving the other dogs a run for their money. She is a non-stop ball of energy and couldn't be a more perfect match for Roxy the Schnauzer. For Roxy, every day is Halloween and she always goes as the same thing... the energizer bunny complete with cymbals (which she mimics with her voice) And, if Roxy is a bunny, then Izzy is definitely a fox, chasing incessantly and always keeping Roxy on her toes.

Thats it for today! and I finally got my own camera so count on tons of pics from now on!


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