Daycare June 4th

Hey there everybody! I would like to introduce you today to two of my favorite doggy siblings! I am pleased to introduce little Lola (chi) and king Kenny (mini Amer. Eskimo). They are the most adorable couple ever! Lola is very shy and spends her time sorta tip-toeing around the daycare room, sniffing here, resting there, sipping water, checking out whos walking in the front door, etc. Her favorite place to snooze (probably because she is covered on most sides) is the corner of the lounge right below the web cam. When she decides to take a nap, Kenny is right by her side. His lot in life seems to be to protect his little sister at all costs. He practically snoozes right on top of her, using his tail to cover her like a blanket. And if you decide Lola is in need of a smooch and a

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