Monday, July 28, 2008

The Canine Behavior Academy is Here!!

Metropawlitan Dog and The Collared Scholar are VERY proud to announce, after several months of hard work, late nights with plenty of coffee, and a little blood, sweat and tears shed putting together the curriculum, our Canine Behavior Academy is finally launching!

What's exactly is our Canine Behavior Academy you might ask? Well, it's simply the most comprehensive dog trainer academy currently available. Our program teaches how to understand dog behavior and will give our students the tools to apply that knowledge as a professional dog trainer. You will learn ALL current methods of dog training; not just one or two like many of the other dog training academies available. You also get hands-on experience working with actual training client dogs and have the opportunity to troubleshoot dog behavior problems with certified dog trainers.

Our first class will begin on Saturday, August 2nd and we are so excited to welcome our first group of students! If you think you might be interested in learning more or attending our Canine Behavior Academy, give us a call here at Metro - 619-233-1364!!

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Blogger Christine said...

The very first class was fun and informative. Meagan and the staff were open, warm, knowleagable, and ready to answer any questions we had. I am confident that this class is exactly what we need to get started on the road to becoming amazing trainers!

Thanks everyone :)

August 4, 2008 at 11:06 AM  
Anonymous keep dogs said...

Amazing class, amazing trainee results of amazing dogs right? keep it up guys and I found your site very informative.

keep dogs

December 1, 2009 at 6:14 PM  

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