Thursday, July 10, 2008

Daycare July 10th

Hello everyone!

I have a lot to tell you so here we go...

First off, daycare has been a pretty exciting place these last couple days. Lots of dogs, lots of playing and LOTS of fun! Yesterday we had the Threatening Threesome bouncing off the walls. Domino, Cali, and Stella have built themselves an unbreakable bond and have proven wrong the saying "Three's a Crowd". When you each have identical play styles, are very close in age and are all the same size, there is no limit to the fun and therefore no limit to the number of dogs. What I find funny is how they are not the only ones with something in common. Each of their owners is separately attacking practically the same obedience issues. Just the regular old puppy stuff (jumping--shout out to you Stella, walking nicely on a leash, coming when called-- thats you Domino, sitting, not taking food off the kitchen counter -- you know what Im talkin about Cali) but enough to warrant a little of our help and maybe... a club of their own? Think about it.

(Other dog in Threesome pick is Gus, trying to initiate himself into the club Id guess... Im not gonna be the one to tell him he's too little!)

In the meantime, MJ is off to her old tricks. Flirting ferociously with all the boys and taking a time out every minute or so to open a couple doors when our backs are turned (crafty, crafty MJ...). Here is a pic of her and her most recent love interest, Dutch. After wrestling for hours, they are taking a breather while MJ sweetly and lovingly soothes the mood with a little ear cleaning.

In the small room, Mercedes has come back to us at last! She took an obedience class a while ago and then ripped our hearts out by disappearing for what seemed like centuries. However, now she is back and the world is right again. She has given up on the whole "Dont leave me daddy! Im too frightened to play with the other dogs" routine and is enjoying herself immensely in the Paws Doggy Lounge with her new friends. She is the cutest Doxie alive, Im sure, and is loved instantly by everyone that meets her. Currently, Katie and I are fighting for the spot of Favorite Dogsitter in Mercedes' eyes, though if I really thought about it, Mercedes would as soon viciously bite someone as she would pick a favorite and hurt someones feelings... never gonna happen.

Thats it for today!


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