Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Kane and Kaden Join Us for In Kennel Training!

As you may have read in prior posts, recently, we had two adorable lab puppies join us for in kennel training. Kane and Kaden are two RIDICULOUSLY cute 5 1/2 month old lab puppies who were suffering from the most dreaded of all syndromes....the "I'm a puppy and I'm insane!" syndrome. With that came chewing, jumping, pulling on the leash and all the other joys that come with owning a puppy. And these two aren't your typical puppies...they are HUGE! They are definitely going to be big boys when they grow up!

They stayed with us for 2 weeks where they learned basic obedience while spending their days running like crazy men in daycare. Check out the two showing off their stuff after their stay in our program! We are very proud of these two! They were great students!


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