Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Zulka Amazes us with her Skills!

Recently, we met with a client who was having some difficulties with his dog. This however, wasn't just any dog - he had a South African Boerboel. These dogs come from the mastiff family and were originally bred to defend livestock from lions. Given this was their primary function, you can imagine they are big, tough dogs!

When we met with Zulka, we decided to take things slow. We had a dog pass by across the street at which point Zulka lunged forward and upon hitting the end of the leash, spun around and started trying to pull the leash from her dad's hands. Her dad tried to correct her at which point she snapped at him, grazing his arm with her teeth. She would not be calmed. She was a little leary of our trainer taking over the leash work and on multiple times, tried to snap at her as well. Given the severity of the issue, we decided in kennel training would be the best option.

A few weeks later, Zulka joined us at Metropawlitan. The daycare staff was intimidated at first but their fears were soon quelled when this big, bumbly dog came in the front door. Zulka is as sweet as can be and, overlooking her one fatal flaw, everyone quickly fell in love with her.

Zulka stayed in kennel for only 10 short days. We are amazed at the progress she made in such a short time period. Here is some video of the new and improved Zulka!

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