Friday, September 12, 2008

Who says Puggles are untrainable?

Here Ye Here Ye! All praise Prince Rocco, the best trained Puggle in San Diego! Two weeks ago (sorry for the late post... technical difficulties with our movie making crew) Rocco graduated from the In-Kennel Obedience program run by the Collared Scholar out of the one, the only Metropawlitan Dog. After a mere 14 days of training, Rocco has gone from a rambunctious, unruly teenager to the sweet, attentive, and mature dog he has always strived to be. Rocco came to us with all of the natural Puggle tendencies -- jumping, running away, chewing, and of course the eating of lovely delicacies found on the streets of SD. He worked hard every day and finally found the peace within... for all you Puggles reading, thats the peace of mind within his soul, not the piece of cake within the fridge...sheesh guys! Now Rocco is able to show restraint in a number of different circumstances. He proudly wears patches for Down with Distraction, Leave it Don't Eat It, and Really Really Reliable Recall. Watch as he continues to succeed even when faced with so many temptations!

PS. As a reward, Rocco's achievement video will be placed on the Metropawlitan Dog homepage as of today. He will lead this generation of Puggles into the light... no guys! the light of knowledge, not the light of the'll never learn!

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