Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Daycare August 20th

Isn't it funny how sometimes in the middle of the week it can already feel like Friday? Today is absolutely one of those days. Our puppy pals are split this morning between those that are celebrating the thought of the weekend to come (crazy Tucker, little Lilly and always-a-party-behind-the-counter, Fox) and those that had a long week and cant wait to finally sleep in (Sydney almost couldnt lift her feet off the ground). I am reserving my judgment for later when I see what excitement unfolds here at the Paw. Although its currently quiet and lazy-dazy, Im sure things will spark up soon and I'll be glad to place myself up there with Tucker and Lilly partying it up and having a ball.

So far I havent really mentioned whats up in the lounge. Let me divulge... Among the crowd is Bogey and Lucy, bull-dog and bull-terrier extraordinare ! These two with their full bodies, stone skulls, and goofy demeanors have chosen today the most hilariously opposite BFF. Abby (tall, skinny, agile, Italian Greyhound) is hopping around from dog to dog, loving the idea that neither Bully will ever be able to catch her. She'll run two circles around the helpless duo before either of them has even noticed shes moved. But ah-ha! Finally victory might be theirs! Mugsy has arrived and he may very well be the fastest Bulldog ever. Surely with the three of them, they'll have gained the upper hand. See for yourself by checking out the "Lounge" webcam!

Last, but definitely not least, we have our precious in-kennel training dogs. In at the same time and racing to become the best at obedience by the time they go back home are Rocco and Stella. Both being the rambunctious youngsters they are, they struggle with many of the same issues (jumping, pulling on the lease, not coming when called). However, after busting their butts for the last couple weeks, they have transformed! In fact, Id love to tell you in detail all the skills they've picked up but Im going to resist. Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise for their moms not would I? Dont worry, a video of their successes is sure to come.

Until next time :)


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