Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Daycare April 16th

Todays Blog is a shout out to the dogs at the Paw who are here for alternative reasons. For example:

Mugsy was transferred from our basic obedience class into our daycare and training program. His dad, busy studying for finals, realized that the program would be a great way for Mugsy to advance his training while he actually got some work man! Now, Mugsy is trained apart from his pops, during his day at daycare and goes home at the end of each day even smarter than he came in... pretty convenient actually :) And we get to spend even more time with him than we did when he was in the group class, so everyone wins!
~Daycare Blurb~ Apparently Mugsy has a thing for Canine Caretaker shoes. Every time one of our reps takes a load off, Mugsy comes running over to sit on their feet!

Duke, who has been coming to daycare with us for some time now, is currently in board and train. His mom found he had developed some minor obedience issues that she couldn't solve on her own so she brought him to Meagan for her expertise on the subject . Duke now has the privilege of staying with us for a couple weeks while we feed him, walk him, love him, kiss him , cuddle with him, play with him, laugh with him, hang out with him, and of course train him all day :) It is soooo much fun having him around and Im sure he isnt completely destroyed about having to see his girlfriend MJ for 12 hours straight.
~Daycare Blurb~ Mj and Duke have been dating since they met a few months ago. They are totally in love and show it by nibbling constantly at each others necks... i swear! If I can ever get a pic of it happening... you'll be the first to see it:)

Last, we have Droopy-Roopy and Lil Miss Ellie. You have all been introduced to these two before but let me reiterate. They are both the most adorable, sweet, playful, innocent, caring, and mischievous dogs you have ever met AND they are both up for adoption!!! They are here as part of our rescue organization and we couldnt ask for a better pair of pups. Anyone looking for a new member of the family would be lucky to have either of them :)

~Daycare Blurb~ Rupert is the most energetic basset Ive ever seen! Until we got him, Rocco (a puggle) was the reigning champ, but even he couldnt stand up to this guy. Two hours in daycare with Rupert and Rocco was fast asleep.... Rupert was chewing on the wall.
~Daycare Blurb~Ellie is the smallest pit bull EVER! She is even smaller than Bella and I never thought that would be possible. She crawls around on the floor looking up at us with her sweet eyes. She does this to lure us down and once we're there, into the lap she goes. Ive never heard of a pit bull lap dog before but thats what she is.. and we love her sooo much for it :)


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