Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Daycare April 23rd

Whew! Today is insane here at the Paw but all have finally settled down for a little R&R... giving me 30 seconds (I'd guess) to write this blog before Rocco pops back up.

Today we've got a very eclectic crowd including Bostons ,Boxers, Yorkies, Aussies, a pair of Danes, a couple Dobies , a few Spaniels, a handful of Pit bulls/mixes, and a trio of Papillons... to name a few! The Yorkies are doing what they do best,having a spa day, while the Aussie is wiggling, the Danes are barking, the Boston is hopping, and the boxers are ...well...boxing. In the lounge, and finding my 30 seconds ended a while ago, I can also see that in addition to a sleeping Spaniel, an over eager beagle, and the beautiful Emma-girl, we have Rocco going from one dog to the next using his beagle vocals to shout as load as he can "Hey!... Hey!.... Hey!... HEY!HEY!HEY!" and when they finally bark back, quietly asking, "...wanna play?... no?(incredulous, and getting louder)...why!?...why!?... WHY!?WHY!?WHY!?" Crazy kid :)

Beyond the madness, however, you will find the small but adorable Papillon crew(pictured). The crated one is Pumpkin (a lil too scared still for the play room), the brown/white one is Maya, and the black/white one is officially named Domino but only answers to Stink Bug. They came into daycare today for the first time and are cute cute cute! They stick together like glue and are sweeter than pie:) The other dogs seem to have accepted them right into the pack and the crew have settled right in. Maya and Stink are currently huddled together on top of some plastic drawers fast asleep. As of yesterday, the Papi-crew was enrolled in our in-kennel program, so for the next three weeks they are all mine!... well, not really but Im gonna love them up as if they were. I can already tell how much this program is going to help them with their confidence and I cant wait to get through this three weeks so that we can show their mama how brave they have become. Helping owners with dogs as precious as these three is definitely one of the best perks of the job!

Thats it for today! See ya tomorrow and make sure to say hi to the crew on your way in tonight..they could use a little encouragement on their first day away from home!


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