Thursday, April 17, 2008

Daycare April 17th

I keep thinking Im gonna run out of things to write about but the excitement at daycare is never ending! ... just ask the dogs :)

Today the Paw is already moving along smoothly. Tucker (Golden Doodle) is here and Gus is obsessed. I absolutely love to watch lil Gus play so hard with the big guys (wishing my dog was brave enough to do that) and I am definitely getting my fill today. He has practically attached himself at the hip to Tuck and they are rolling around chewing on each other's faces. Every so often we loose Gus completely in all of Tucker's fur! Silly kids.

Meanwhile, Duke and Argos (pictured) are doing the open mouthed air bark. This play style is where two dogs face each other with their muzzles practically touching, keep their mouths opened wide, and bark bark bark, staying as close to each other as possible. Eventually this turns into more of a wrestling, nipping, bark fest between the two and continues on until one or both dogs get distracted. This type on mania is Argos' calling card, for sure! He is one of the most popular dogs in the big room and really "gets around" play-wise. A little Duke here, a little Dutch there, a little Tucker, a little MJ (he manages to play with her from outside her recovery kennel), and even a little Maritza. One of the BEST parts about Argos is how you can call his name and he will come right toward you, ferociously waging his non-existent tail and pulling his lips back into a sorta scary looking but very joyful smile. He is the only dog at the Paw to do this and its hilarious!

Moving into the lounge we find the usual suspects for a Thursday... Radar and Bella (Schnauz), Maddie (Pom), Olive, and Rocco-Paco-Taco... ... its just Rocco but I couldnt help myself. And speaking of Rocco, I think its about time he was introduced. Rocco has been mentioned in a few blogs already as being the energizer bunny imitator and since I plan on talking about him much more, here is a little about the guy. Rocco is a puggle. ... ... 'Nough said, right? Not even close! Rocco's world is nothing more than his playground. Everyone in it is there solely to play with him constantly and everything in it is there solely to be played with and chewed constantly. He lives to have fun and therefore practically kills himself trying to get into the daycare room when he gets here in the morning (his crazy excitement always perks me up for the day). He goes from one dog to the next playing with them until they physically can not lift their little heads! If it happens to be a little slow at the Paw that day and he manages to get through every dog in attendance, our only choice is to to let him play with Rupert who Ive mentioned before as being the only one that can tire Rocco out (humans included!). He is always the happiest dog in the room and nobody ever goes home as tired as when Rocco has been here. Take a look at the web cam, he's probably playing with your dog right now!

Whew! That was a long one so I think thats it for now. More tomorrow :)


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