Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dog Beach Safety Tips

Living in San Diego is great for so many reasons, but one of the top reasons in my book is how dog-friendly our city is. In addition to the dog parks, hiking trails and dog-friendly restaurants that plenty of other cities offer, we have several of what I consider the ultimate in doggy fun - dog beaches!

The greater San Diego area offers up four main dog beaches for us to enjoy a day of fun in the sun with our pooches. Ocean Beach Dog Beach is the original dog beach and one of the most popular. This beach area is located at the west end of the San Diego River Floodway, also known as the Ocean Beach Flood Control Channel and is open 24 hours a day. Fiesta Island in Mission Bay is another great place to take your pup. Most of this large sandy island is designated leash-free for dogs, and there are lots of dunes to romp in. The calmer bay waters are great for those pups who prefer not to be dunked by incoming ocean waves. Coronado Dog Beach is at the most northern end of the beach next to the Naval Air Station. Wide and sandy, Coronado Dog Beach has plenty of space for your pooch to stretch his legs and run full speed ahead, and can be less crowded than Ocean Beach depending on the day. Dog Beach in Del Mar is a nice, low key place to let your dog romp, but with limitations: the off-leash designation is only from September to June - the rest of the year dogs are allowed but must be kept on-leash.

Dog-friendly beaches can be a fantastic place for dogs to romp and play, and my dogs go absolutely insane as we get close to the beach, but you do need to consider your dog’s safety and health before unclipping that leash.

It’s a good idea to leave your dog’s collar and ID tags on while at the beach, just in case he wanders off. Putting your cell phone number on your dog’s ID tag is also a good idea – that way someone who finds Fido can get in touch with you immediately.

Just like people, dogs are susceptible to sunburn, especially those with shorter or lighter colored coats. Applying a dog-safe sunscreen to sensitive areas like the ears and nose can prevent painful sunburns and keep your pup safe from skin cancer.

Dogs can overheat very quickly and suffer heat exhaustion and heat stroke, so be sure to keep a close eye on Fido for any signs of distress. Heavy or excessive panting, reddening of the tongue and inside of the ears, paleness or graying of the gums, confusion, staggering, vomiting and collapsing are all signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke and must be taken very seriously. Consider bringing your dog to the beach in the morning or evening when temperatures aren’t so hot, and always make sure you have a shady area for Fido to rest and fresh water for him to drink. Many dogs will play until they collapse, so keeping a close eye on your pup and stopping play for rest periods will help keep Fido safe.

The nice cool ocean water might be tempting to your pup, so be sure to bring plenty of fresh water and offer it often to Fido. Drinking salt water can really upset your dog’s tummy and too much salt water can cause health problems.

If it’s your dog’s first time at the beach, acclimate him slowly and don’t force him into the water. Some breeds absolutely love swimming and running in the surf, while others prefer to keep all four paws on the sand. You want the beach to be a fun experience for Fido, so it’s important to understand what your dog enjoys.

Never leave your dog unattended at the beach, even for a split second. There are plenty of hazards Fido can encounter, both in and out of the water. Rip currents pose a drowning hazard to even the best swimmers, and all sorts of potentially dangerous things can wash up on the beach. Making sure Fido is safe in the water and not eating things that could be toxic or cause injury is very important.

Sand and salt water can irritate Fido’s paws and damage his coat, so remember to rinse him with fresh water once you leave the beach. Cleaning his ears is a good idea too, since moisture can build up and cause ear infections.

Your dog’s safety and health at the beach is easy to ensure just by taking a few simple steps to help Fido make the most of his day while keeping him out of harm’s way!


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