Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Daycare April 29th

Bunches O' Bassets!

Ok, there are four bassets at daycare today so it is really only fair if I dedicate todays blog to them. First is the infamous Rupert (our rescue). If he were one of the seven dwarfs, he would definitely be Dopey. He is so innocently curious and clumsy, clumsy, clumsy. Despite this, however, he manages to be just as rambunctious as ever and still has the most energy out of any basset Ive ever met (and most other breeds as well). This is a dog who came out of the pound with an age estimate of 10 years old, and who now is spending his days running around like a maniac and chewing up the walls like he is a puppy teething. Needles to say their estimate was way off. If he were a human, Id say he was in his "terrible two" stage. Those with kids will understand. Cute when he trips on his ears, sweet when he wants some love, and an angel when he's sleeping but too smart for his own good and a trouble maker too. I love him sooo much!

Next we have Suuuudenly Seeeymour (must be sung, named after Lil Shop of Horrors). He is a long time client of the Paw and comes in second in energy level. He is so much fun and is the wrestling champ. He changes his play style for each dog he meets and even managed to entice my lil mutt. They could play all day and Seymour never once used too much force or stepped on him by mistake. If he were one of the seven dwarfs, he would be happy. Hands down. He always comes in to daycare with the best attitude and leaves here the same way. In cartoons Bassets are always portrayed as these slow, droopy, lazy dudes but after these last two crazies, I cant help but wonder.. what are they thinking!?

The last two ladies are Bessie and Darby Lee (owned by Collared-Scholar trainer, Meagan). These two dolls (Bessie, lemon and Darby Lee, tri-color) are absolute pros when it comes to the "I-am-sooo-cute,-dont-you-wanna-take-me-everywhere-you-go, give-me-lots-of-treats, and-let- me-sleep-in-your-bed" look. I mean, see their pictures? Doesnt it make you want to give them whatever they want as soon as humanly possible? It is definitely an amazing talent. All you married women out there could probably learn a thing or two from these gals. Imagine your husband doing what you ask with just a look from you! Priceless really. Maybe a seminar is in order... Ill ask them, but to be honest... if you had these powers of persuasion, would you wanna share? Nope.

Thats it for today!


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