Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Daycare May 6th

Today's blog is a dedication to the sweet, the loyal, the adorable, the loving, and the drastically under appreciated pit bull. In my line of work, I come in contact with a number of breeds and I love them all. I love the Danes for their clumsiness, I love the Viszlas for their beauty, I love the Labs for their innocence, I love the Dobermans for their grace, I love the Chihuahuas for their strength of character, the list goes on and on. But no breed has come close to effecting me as deeply as the pit bull. They have the ability to connect with their owners in a way only a soul mate could. They understand human emotions better than most men (ha ha) and live their lives paying back those that care for them with unconditional love and support. They wear their heart on their sleeve and just beg you to take it, to keep it safe. In fact, one look into a pitty's eyes and you can see every moment of importance in their lives. You can see the joy they experienced on their first day to the dog park, the excitement they felt when they got their first Kong filled with peanut butter, and the thrill they got when they started to train and understand what words meant. Sadly, with a rescue, here is also where you would find every time they'd been frightened, every time they'd suffered pain, or any time they'd given love that wasnt returned. The specific circumstances may have been long forgotten but the feelings they evoked never gone. I think that is what its really all about. Feelings. The capacity to feel what we do in the same way we do, the ability to relate and to adjust to every mood. Maybe they were bred to fight and maybe they are more susceptible to behavioral issues but along with that came this unbelievable, absolutely human, ability to feel. That is what I love about the pit bull... and that is why I will never live my life without them.

RIP Lumber Jack... we''ll miss you.


Blogger Meagan Karnes said...

Amen. Thank you for your heartfelt post. The pit bulls are truly a gift that far too often get taken for granted. If only more people understood...

We love you Lumber Jack...

May 6, 2008 at 9:15 PM  

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