Thursday, July 17, 2008

Check Out Our *NEW* Online Forum!

We at Metropawlitan Dog and The Collared Scholar have put together a brand NEW online community designed for dog owners to come "talk dogs"! Check out our message board at (you can also access it from the Metropawlitan Dog Home Page). Use the message board to share training tips and tricks, learn about the newest training techniques, share pictures of your pampered pooch and much more! You can even chat directly with trainers to get their take on behavioral problems you might be having! Check it out today!

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Daycare July 15th

Look out daycare vets! There's a new dog in town and she is sure to be quite the competitor in the game of never ending energy. Introducing the one, the only (Brittany, that is) Remi!! She came to the Paw for the first time today, immediately bouncing off the walls and barking her little, insanely adorable head off. She subdued for only a minute upon entering the room as the others gave her an initiation that would scare off even the most socialized of dogs, shoving there heads into each other as they fought for the first sniff of this little wonder (MJ won... as usual she would have it no other way). However, once over with, Remi was off! First circling the room and sniffing every corner, then taking turns barking in the face of each dog so they knew who she was, where she came from , and so she could make it clear "I am not afraid of you even though I am little and I would like to play with you very soon." Very matter of fact, this one.

Right now she is ferociously playing with Jersey (Beagle), Stella (Cattle Mx), Tucker (Doodle), and Cali (Mutt Mx) all at once. Most of her attention is focused on Jersey but she gives enough to the other three to keep them interested and coming back for more (uh oh, watch out everyone, this ones got some brain in that head of hers). Whats funny is that Remi gets the dogs so excited and involved with her that when she all of a sudden decides to take a breather, everyone else also stops playing and gets this look on their face like "Woah!.. That was crazy! (looking around at each other like they just woke from a daze)...Err... where are we? Um... what am I doing here? ... the Paw you say? ...playing you say?... ... Oh oh! I remember!" and they finally recover without her. *In case youre wondering, the only reason the famous Rocco (Puggle) isnt included in the play pack is because he keeps trying to jump in but MJ catches his tail in mid air forcing him to whirl around and chase her for a while (exactly what she had planned on) until he realizes what just happened and attempts the jump again. Another tail snag and the cycle continues.*

So that was Remi, but before I go, Id also like to speak to you a bit about McGuire. This older gentleman is a Lab/Ridgeback mix and he is sooooo sweet (cuddly and loving and just all around precious). He came to us about two weeks ago for a problem with separation anxiety but after one private session has already shown massive improvements. I am so impressed I have to share them with you. His first day here (last week) McGuire did all the typical Sep Anx things: barked, panted, drooled, and scratched obsessively to get out of the daycare room and back into his moms arms. He mellowed down eventually but still seemed to have the "first day" blues. Today, only his second day back, McGuire walked willingly onto the playground, played a good deal, sniffed around a little and found himself a good resting spot in front of the window. No panting at all, no scratching, no drooling. Absolute comfort and bliss. He is smiling and enjoying the company of the other dogs, characteristics that Id say are putting him well on his way to "Mom who?" Good work McGuire (and good work mom!).