Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Introduction to Agility Class starts soon!

Introduction to Agility class starting 10/23 at 1030am. Come join us for a fun and informative 6 week class designed for dogs 4 months of age and older. Learn basic obstacles while building drive and focus in your pup. Course fee = $129. Email info@collared-scholar.com or call us at 619-916-8710 to register!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Where has the time gone?

Well folks, some technical difficulties with our blog have prevented me from updating as regularly as I would have liked. But we are back and ready to update you on all the fun happenings here at The Collared Scholar!

First, a bit of a shout out. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting some awesome people in the pet care field and I want to help spread the word about the great work they are doing! First, meet Sarah. Sarah is the owner of Sister Sarah's Wild First Aid. She teaches first aid classes for people and pets. If you have never taken a pet first aid class, you should definitely contact her as she is a wealth of information. Second, I had the pleasure of chatting with Michelle Nickerson, owner of Michelle's Pet Love. For you Coronado residents, Michelle offers pet sitting, dog walking and errand running in the Coronado area.

Ok...let's get down to business!

If you have been to the ranch lately, you have seen all the crazy construction. So sorry for the mess! We are in the process of landscaping (we will finally have grass! Yipeee!). Following the landscaping, the fencing will be installed for our two new dog yards so that big dogs and small dogs have a more secure place to run and frolic!

We have also had many new furry faces come and go since my last blog update. Let me introduce you to a few of them....

First is G'dub (aka The General). G'dub is an ADORABLE Italian Greyhound pup here for some help with housebreaking and obedience. He is progressing beautifully in our program and has been one of our star students. At any given point during the day, you can always find him racing his fastest through the yard, looking so incredibly graceful.....until he stops paying attention and runs smack into a wall. What a goofball!

Next, I'd like you to meet Kirby, a German Shepherd/Malinois mix orginally suffering from some social issues. Kirby is so big, strong and handsome but....he's a giant chicken! That's ok Kirby! This world can be a scary place! Kirby joined us for in kennel training and has since overcame many milestones including his first off leash hike with other doggies (P.S. His last trainer said he could never play with other dogs....he was too aggressive!). Great job Kirby (and Kirby's owners!) Keep up the GREAT work!

Kirby(Left) and Kai (Right)
We also had the pleasure of working with Kai, who underneath her BIG bark and aggressive posture was also hiding a GIANT chicken. Kai and Kirby went through socialization together in kennel and became great friends. Kai was a little more tenacious when she asked people to back off but by the end of her stay here, she was actually approaching all the workers in the yard and asking for pets. Great job Kai!

Last but certainly not least, we had Leroy. Leroy joined us for training because he decided that he would like to be the only dog in his neighborhood. He would therefore give all the other dogs a piece of his mind on his walks. He is the SWEETEST boy when he isn't around other dogs.....one of the best snugglers we have seen come through the ranch in a long time. And now, at social, he makes the rounds from person to person, hitting everyone up for pets. He does great with the other dogs here and we are working on him at home to fine tune his skills in his own environment. Great job Leroy! Can't wait for you to be able to show the world the sweet, affectionate Leroy we have all come to love so much!

Now there are many other dogs that we have seen over the past few months and I will do my best to get you caught up to speed on the canine shennanigans around here over the next few weeks. But for now, keep up the great work G'dub, Kirby, Kai and Leroy! You are all AWESOME!

Also, keep an eye out for our newest in kennel additions joining us next week! Jacob and Jolie are two adorable mini schnauzers who will be joining us for help with socialization. The crew here is excited for their arrival and we plan to post pictures as soon as they get here!

Until next time.....