Wa Hoo!
Please welcome back to the Paw...the stunning, the well mannered, the energetic, and the humble Stella and Blue!
In case you don't know, our Canine Behavior Academy is finally up and running (with the first class on Saturday 8/2 @ 9am) and I

have been studying the daycare dogs like a maniac these past two weeks to try and get ahead of the game. All day today my attention has been on Stella and Blue (them being the fresh faces in my crowd) and I must say, they are wonderful! Never playing too rough , not attached at the hip (they are very confident playing separately and being apart), and very
very loved by every dog they meet. Fenway, one of our many Puggles, fell in love with Stella at first smell and Otis, preteen Airdale extraordinaire, cant get enough of his new friend Blue's crazy ways. They blended into our everyday daycare group seamlessly and are obviously used to the madness that ensues

when over15 dogs get together. While I watched them I remembered when we first met ... two tiny Aussies still figuring out what they could get their young bodies to do, jumping like this, twisting like that until they pooped themselves completely out. Now that they are older it is obvious they have figured that mystery out but that they have managed to maintain control and socialize perfectly. Kudos to them and big Kudos to their parents! :)
Labels: Blue, Canine Behavior Academy, Dog daycare, Metropawlitan Dog, Stella