Daycare September 25th
It is HOT HOT HOT today! Fortunately, my lovely dog friends and I are taking it easy in the air conditioned Paw. We have quite a variation in puppy pals today starting with the tiny (but actually bigger than she was ) 4lb Izzie Chihuahua. Her new best friend and current playmate is the adorable, previously blogged Lily Poodle. Both girls are todays Metro mascots, keeping me company behind the desk and wrestling away to their hearts content.
Still with us, we also have Bobbi (baby pit) and the Ibizan twins. Even though their protected in the cool lounge, they seem to be feeling the effects of the intense heat outside. Currently, they are fast asleep, seemingly suffering from the all too popular "I had too much fun at daycare yesterday to be able to keep my head up this morning, but try me at lunch time". Aaah, the life of an innocent puppy.
Keeping it crazy in the big playroom is the ever exciting Stella Bo-bella. She is mixing it up with Muppet Master himself, Tucker. Stella will trot around from dog to dog, chewing on the backs of their legs until someone, usually Dixie, responds with the same level of play. They'll start rolling around until they get a third party member, in this case Tucker, involved in the rough and tumble. After a while of watching the madness, I notice the walls of the daycare start to fade away, the brick being replaced by crumbling wood (haunted house style)... "whats going on?" I ask myself. When I check on the dogs, I notice their individual forms have transformed to reveal nothing more than a huge ball of orange fur trying desperately to swallow two cattle dogs whole! Immediately my brain references the ultimate thriller cult classic "The Blob". I start toward the doggie melange, thinking "Ive got to save them!" before I jolt back to reality. This isnt a monster from outer space! (the walls reform to brick) This is just Tucker! (The ball of fur regains a form: arms, legs, and a curly haired tail). I take a minute to calm myself and watch as the three forms separate back into Tucker, Dixie, and Stella. I am relieved (and tired...obviously), but I smile and look forward to tomorrow where a new crowd awaits me with a new adventure to share :)