Friday, September 12, 2008

Stella comes to In Kennel Training!

Stella is an adorable cattle mix (we think!) who recently joined us for in kennel training for help with basic manners and obedience. If you frequent the Met, you have surely met Stella. She is a shy, refined angel to almost everyone she meets and she is a regular at our daycare. Everyone is in love with Stella - but no one ever saw Stella for the crazy puppy she really was! Stella was a crazy lady (emphasis on the "WAS"). She jumped on nearly everyone she met and didn't really like listening when her mom asked her to do anything. So Stella's mom solicited our help.

Stella came into our in kennel training program and improved by leaps and bounds! Stella was an amazing "houseguest". She just loved training and responded so well to the program. Check her out after only two short weeks with our trainers!

Who says Puggles are untrainable?

Here Ye Here Ye! All praise Prince Rocco, the best trained Puggle in San Diego! Two weeks ago (sorry for the late post... technical difficulties with our movie making crew) Rocco graduated from the In-Kennel Obedience program run by the Collared Scholar out of the one, the only Metropawlitan Dog. After a mere 14 days of training, Rocco has gone from a rambunctious, unruly teenager to the sweet, attentive, and mature dog he has always strived to be. Rocco came to us with all of the natural Puggle tendencies -- jumping, running away, chewing, and of course the eating of lovely delicacies found on the streets of SD. He worked hard every day and finally found the peace within... for all you Puggles reading, thats the peace of mind within his soul, not the piece of cake within the fridge...sheesh guys! Now Rocco is able to show restraint in a number of different circumstances. He proudly wears patches for Down with Distraction, Leave it Don't Eat It, and Really Really Reliable Recall. Watch as he continues to succeed even when faced with so many temptations!

PS. As a reward, Rocco's achievement video will be placed on the Metropawlitan Dog homepage as of today. He will lead this generation of Puggles into the light... no guys! the light of knowledge, not the light of the'll never learn!

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Daycare September 9th

Did I ever tell you about Malden? No? Well listen here. Malden is our one and only black puggle (emphasis on the "black" part cuz lord knows we have a ton of Puggles). He has been coming to daycare and participating in the group obedience class for a while now and I feel we finally have his personality down. Its funny how with a tan puggle the personality is usually so easy to peg... a ton of crazy mixed with a handful of adorable and a pinch of sweet... but Malden is different. He is obviously adorable and definitely sweet but it seems his crazy was tainted somewhere along the line with some calm. My guess is that he got a little more pug (adorable and energetic but can have reserved moments) and a little less beagle (outgoing and crazy at all times). Sorry Chenais, I think Rocco is 80% beagle, at least!

So Malden is in the lounge today with Olive & Rocco and here is how its gone so far. I let Malden in the room and as usual, Olive goes nuts (her normal welcoming routine). She gives him a quick sniff then bolts off in circles around the room, seemingly in her own little world of exultation. Even though she comes to the Paw often, she just can not believe her luck. With each event she displays the same level of excitement, if not more. I put her in the room, "Im here!! Ahhh! Ahhh!", I bring Rocco in to see her, "Someone's here?! Someone is here!!! Ahh ahhh Aaaaahhh!", and finally in comes Malden, "What!? What?!!! Another friend for me?! This is the best day of my Liiiiiife! AAhhh AAAAhhhh AAhh!!"

Malden's initial reaction is one of excitement (not matching Olives, but who could). He says hi to his friends and starts up play time, running around with the rest of them, tumbling and wrestling his heart away. This is what Id deem his beagle moment; he is playful and barky and just generally Mr. Fun. Fast forward an hour and what do I see? Olive running around in circles, Rocco chasing her, and Malden laying Sphinx style watching the show like its his favorite mid-day TV program. He is still obviously interested but manages a little down time which could only come from the Pug. All day long the two sides of him trade off, running for a while then breaking for good study session of dog behavior (we have sooooo much in common). These conflicting traits are what really interest me about my friend Malden and what inevitably make him the gorgeous, and unique all black Puggle he is.

Finally my analysis is complete. Until next time :)