Thursday, April 24, 2008

Daycare April 24th


So, an update from yesterday. The little Papillon Crew is doing fantastic! They are coming straight out of their shells and right into my lap (just the way I like it). Even baby Pumpkin was brave enough to participate in daycare today. All three of them ran around with the best of them jumping, barking (a little from Stink) , and giving kisses. They are such a joy!

Besides the Crew, we've again got a very diverse, very full house. Among the crowd is Tony. Tony is the cutest min pin ever. He is brown and has a long tail and floppy ears. He is in daycare for the first time but has previously participated in the puppy obedience class, so we know he's gonna be good:) He is only 6 mos but has already got himself a handful of girlfriends and a posse of friends. Good for you Tony!

Also present is an old (but still very young) favorite, Xander. Xander is a puppy Yorkie and has been coming to daycare here sporadically for months. He has already graced the cover of one of our magazine articles and plans on continuing his modeling career until he hits the top (cover of the prestigious YTM -- Yorkshire Terrier Magazine). Seeing him now, working the room and playing hard (all the while keeping a flawless hair-do), I know he's really gonna make it.

Ok, so the big (and boy do I mean BIG) highlight of the day is (drum roll please) the gigantic... the enormous... the Gi-normouse... T-BONE!! Better known as T-T, he is the biggest puppy we have here at the Paw to date. He is a Great Dane and probably weighs close to 120 lbs, and he isnt even a year old!

I chose this specific picture of him for many reasons. One, being the puppy that he is, he never stands still for even one second, so this was actually the only non-blurred picture I could muster. Two, I wanted you to get an idea of the hight we are talking he is standing with the tallest girl we have working here and he is still, seated, more than half her size! Three, I couldnt stop laughing at the position in which I caught Mj and Argos. Trust me when I say she is absolutely not being aggressive but is instead making use of her all time favorite play initiating technique... attempting to put a dogs entire head and face inside her mouth (a trick she uses on all her very best friends) . What a spaz!

More tomorrow folks!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Daycare April 23rd

Whew! Today is insane here at the Paw but all have finally settled down for a little R&R... giving me 30 seconds (I'd guess) to write this blog before Rocco pops back up.

Today we've got a very eclectic crowd including Bostons ,Boxers, Yorkies, Aussies, a pair of Danes, a couple Dobies , a few Spaniels, a handful of Pit bulls/mixes, and a trio of Papillons... to name a few! The Yorkies are doing what they do best,having a spa day, while the Aussie is wiggling, the Danes are barking, the Boston is hopping, and the boxers are ...well...boxing. In the lounge, and finding my 30 seconds ended a while ago, I can also see that in addition to a sleeping Spaniel, an over eager beagle, and the beautiful Emma-girl, we have Rocco going from one dog to the next using his beagle vocals to shout as load as he can "Hey!... Hey!.... Hey!... HEY!HEY!HEY!" and when they finally bark back, quietly asking, "...wanna play?... no?(incredulous, and getting louder)...why!?...why!?... WHY!?WHY!?WHY!?" Crazy kid :)

Beyond the madness, however, you will find the small but adorable Papillon crew(pictured). The crated one is Pumpkin (a lil too scared still for the play room), the brown/white one is Maya, and the black/white one is officially named Domino but only answers to Stink Bug. They came into daycare today for the first time and are cute cute cute! They stick together like glue and are sweeter than pie:) The other dogs seem to have accepted them right into the pack and the crew have settled right in. Maya and Stink are currently huddled together on top of some plastic drawers fast asleep. As of yesterday, the Papi-crew was enrolled in our in-kennel program, so for the next three weeks they are all mine!... well, not really but Im gonna love them up as if they were. I can already tell how much this program is going to help them with their confidence and I cant wait to get through this three weeks so that we can show their mama how brave they have become. Helping owners with dogs as precious as these three is definitely one of the best perks of the job!

Thats it for today! See ya tomorrow and make sure to say hi to the crew on your way in tonight..they could use a little encouragement on their first day away from home!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Daycare April 21st

Happy Monday everyone!

This week we have some exciting news to report. Hanuman, our beautiful pure white bull terrier, recently participated in his first dog show ever and won FIRST PLACE! I got to see some pics and he just looked so handsome up there on that stand. Congratulations Hanuman, we are soooo proud of you :)

Other happy news is that MJ is now able to participate in daycare again! Her pads are almost fully healed and she is ready to rock! She let herself onto the playground today by pounding on the door with both newly healed paws and shooting out across the room and up onto the top stair. "All take a bow, the queen is back!" she seemed to be saying.

Now its time for me to brag a little. My dog, Fox, has been going through some obedience issues (rescue dog problems... i know some of you feel me) and has been working with Meagan on and off for about a month. Well, this weekend Fox and I went to either a dog park or dog beach three times and he did great! Still a little work to do but I can finally (after going through practically five different trainers and training techniques) see him starting to get it. Dogs are fun! Playing is fun! and there isnt anything to be afraid of! Congrats to my brave lil boy and thanks Meagan :)

Lastly, our darling darling Emma-girl (pictured above) got a fantastic new hair cut and she looks adorable!! Always on top of the latest trends, Emma has gone from crazy to classy with a bow on top. Way to go my dear!

Ok all! Thats it for the weekend events. Ill see you tomorrow!