Thursday, January 13, 2011

Collared Scholars to the rescue!

As you know, we at The Collared Scholar are passionate about dogs.....did I say passionate??? I meant CRAZY about dogs! We LOVE them! And we LOVE to help them. Over the years, we have been involved with several different dog rescue and animal welfare organizations. We are proud to say that we have helped over 200 homeless dogs find forever homes since we got involved in the Pet industry!

In November, we launched a seminar series designed to help us raise funds for rescue organizations. We partnered with Russell Rescue Inc to cross promote a seminar on the topic of Effective Communication. We reserved a small room at the Poway Community Center, expecting 15-20 participants. We were very pleasantly surprised when the seminar SOLD OUT and we were able to raise $440 for Russell Rescue! For our next seminar, we cautiously reserved a larger room. This time, the topic was on Fear and Anxiety. The room at the Community Center was large enough to hold 50 people. We weren't sure what to expect but this seminar, once again SOLD OUT (and then some!) and we had to cram the extra people into the tiny room! From our second event, we raised $594 for Russell Rescue bringing the total raised from the two events to over $1,000!

We were elated to be able to raise so much money for the group. They are volunteer run and do AMAZING things for Jack Russells in need and Lord knows they need all the help they can get!

After our first two events, we started scouting around the Poway area for a different venue. The folks at the Poway Community Center were extremely helpful, but the fees were high and tapped in to the money we could raise for rescue. Not to mention, the rooms weren't the most comfortable place to sit for a two hour seminar!

As we talked it over, we decided that, given the success of our first two seminars, we would take the plunge and open a training facility dedicated to providing support for dog rescue and animal welfare organizations. We secured a fabulous location in early January and plan to open the center February 1st, 2011!

The new center will offer workshops, seminars and training lessons with proceeds going to benefit affiliated rescue groups! We plan to expand our reach to help other rescue groups who need us and we will be significantly broadening our class offerings.

Join us for our Grand Opening Celebration Saturday, February 5th, 2011 from 11am-4pm and help us help dogs in need! Details to follow soon.