Friday, January 22, 2010

Rainy Days at the Ranch....

So, as you have all experienced, Southern California has been hit hard these past few days with some severe weather (compared to So Cal's standards). Me and all the pooches have been cooped up for several days and the time stuck inside has forced me to get creative with training and excercise for the pups.

First, a quick intro to all of the new doggies spending these rainy days with me. First, we have Bella and Bailey, a pair of cute as can be maltipoos here to learn some basic manners. They are pretty overwhelmed by life at the ranch (much different than their condo downtown), but they are getting more and more comfortable each and every day. Next we have Reese and Buttons, an Ibizan Hound and a Dalmation who you may remember from our days at Metropawlitan. These lovely ladies belong to our Metro Groomer Keith, and are gracing us with their presence over the next few days. Last but certainly not least, we have Diesel - an adorable Jack Russell available for adoption through Russell Rescue, Inc. Diesel regularly entertains us with his antics - our favortie is when he falls asleep half on the couch and buries his face between the cushions....ridiculously adorable.

Now that the introductions are out of the are some tips on keeping your pooch busy during this wet, rainy weather....

First and foremost - INTERACTIVE TOYS! These are my lifesaver when the dogs aren't getting their regular exercise. My favorties are the Tug A Jug, Kong Toy and Treat Stick. I fill these with plain kibble, mixed with a few Natural Balance Treats and sealed with a layer of cream cheese and let the dogs go to town. For those dogs who are OK with being in a crate, I give Raw Beef Neck Bones and Bully sticks. These options satisfy dog's desire to chew while also helping them to get rid of some of that excess energy.

In addition to the (HEAVY) use of interactive toys and bones while its raining, I have also been playing some fun, inside training games with the pooches staying here at the ranch. Here are a few you can play at home:

Hide and Seek - For those dogs learning the "COME" command. If the dog has a good foundation with the recall, I will hide in rooms around the house, call the dog to come, and force them to "FIND" me, rewarding heavily when they finally do. If your dog doesn't know the "COME", start by teaching that, and then move on to training games. Click HERE for an article on introducing the "COME" command.

Training Tricks - I have also been spending my days teaching my dogs "Stupid Tricks". There is a fun dog training book out their called 101 Dog Tricks. You can pick it up at Barnes and Noble or other local bookstores. This book is chalk full of fun, easy to teach tricks that are completely useless but tons of fun. Teaching your dog new tricks will help give them mental stimulation, build confidence and its just plain fun!

Search! - The last and possibly my favorite game is to teach your ball or food motivated dog to "SEARCH!". For toy motivated dogs, hide their favortie toy and have them "SEARCH!" until they find it. For food motivated dogs, put a piece of their favorite treat into a small, ventialted container that they must search for. Start by placing the toy in easy to find places and slowly increase the difficulty as your dog starts to pick up the idea....

Have some fun with your pooch while you are both stuck, cooped up inside. He will thank you for it!

Stay dry and stay safe out there!