Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sonny learns his manners....

We at The Collared Scholar recently welcomed Sonny, an adorable 8 month old pit bull/weim mix into our in kennel training program. Right off the bat, Sonny was a handful. When I spoke to his owners on the phone, they told me about his behavior, most of which was written off to puppy exuberance. But when I met Sonny, I knew they weren't exaggerating. You see, Sonny is the kind of dog that trainers LOVE. He is unafraid and sure with a great drive for the toy and he is amazingly eager to please..... but at this stage in the game, he had NO idea how to use his body. He would plow into just about anything and he knew how to use his strength against you. When he first got here, I put him in the yard to potty and he came slamming into the sliding glass door so hard, I was sure it was about to shatter. He would tackle you, mouth you and slam his body into you, regularly taking people out as he ran joyously through the yard. He had so much energy, that when he got excited, especially upon seeing other dogs, his frustration to play would get the better of him and he would find himself slipping into aggression. Plainly stated, Sonny lacked emotional control.

After a few weeks with our trainers, Sonny was transformed from a crazed puppy into a sweet and calm gentleman. He still loves to play and has the strength of a mack truck, but his energy is now focused into more positive training games, giving him an outlet for his energy and giving his parents some piece of mind.......Check out Sonny in action!