Daycare August 7th
Ok all! Remember the dear duo Radar and Bella? Well let me remind you, they are a brother and sister pair of schnauzers sent straight from heaven (Radar is pictured). They have been the subject of many a blog, being as wonderful as they are, and have blessed us with their presence every Tuesday and Thursday practically since we opened over a year ago.
Today, I want to take you through their funny little social pattern. They have always had very sensitive souls, you see, so have therefore made friends in the most unusual ways. First it was Radar picking out the biggest in the bunch and and claiming his first BFF. The new pals would run the room like maniacs while Bella monitored everything from her precious spot on the top stair of the playroom mountain. "Why isnt Bella playing?" we would ask ourselves. No one good enough yet, we guessed... but it didnt last long. Soon the siblings were enjoying the lounge and suddenly the roles switched. This is when Bella met Olive (relationship fully disclosed in a previous blog). They were completely in love and it was Radar's turn to take the back seat. In fact, we noticed after a while that Radar had become rather uninterested in other dogs. He would play with his sister for hours, rolling around and wrestling like he'd never had so much fun in his life... but why had he given up the search for his BFF?
We finally see now that it was for the same reason his sister had all those months ago. No one good enough... until today! Today, Radar met Percy(Doxie pictured). The search is over. These two playful pups were made for each other and Radar is no longer a sensitive soul with no soul mate. These two have been all over each other all day and I've been told by Percy's mom that he will now be coming back every Tuesday and Thursday just to see Radar, his new Best Friend Forever :)