Friday, January 29, 2010

Gaius and Attia learn to Speak!

We have two doggies joining us for some intensive training here at the ranch. We briefly talked about them in the blog previously but, since they are going to be around for quite some time and since their training program is pretty unique, we decided they needed a blog of their own.

Meet Gaius and Attia. Gaius (aka Gaius Julius Caesar) is a 4 month old weim puppy rescued from puppy mill conditions. He came to us with severe kennel cough (he had had it for 2 months!), an ear infection and some sores on his little feet. He had to be in quarantine for 10 days while he healed and then, he went right into training to learn to be a good puppy.

Attia is a 4 year old lovely lady who won the hearts of her trainers instantly by resting her head on their shoulders while she is riding in the car and by sticking to them like glue at the ranch. She is a sweet sweet girl and we at The Collared Scholar are faced with a challenging task! We are going to take some of that sweet away :-)

You see, Gaius and Attia are very loving dogs - in fact they might be a little too loving as they would happily greet any stranger with love and affection, even if they were holding their family at gunpoint.

This is where we come in. We are going to teach the two dogs to be a little more protective of their family. Don't fret - we aren't going to make them mean. We are just going to teach them to act tough to ward off potential intruders. We are also teaching the two to be hunting dogs so that they can accompany their Dad on exciting hunting and camping trips.

The two are loving their training so far. It's been all fun and games and we are capitalizing on their great prey drive to teach them some protection behaviors.

Check out this video of Gaius learning to bark on command, showing of his positions and his place and recall to the whistle. This was the first day we worked on the place and recall and he picked it up in no time!