Sunday, December 5, 2010

Home for the Holidays: Help for two VERY special dogs!

Today I was fortunate to have been able to play a part in a holiday miracle. Meet Taffy and Sparky. These two pit bulls have had a rough start at life. Their paths never crossed until they ended up in the Coronado Animal Care facility. The two quickly bonded and sought security in one another. They had the hearts of all of the shelter staff as well as everyone they met on their daily walks. Unfortunately, life in a shelter environment was taxing on these two, high energy dogs. They began to get stressed and behavioral issues emerged. Nothing too drastic, just a few bad manners that made their chances at adoption very slim. In addition, they came with the stigma of being labeled a "PIT BULL". Many potential adopters looked right past these two bundles of love because of their breed alone, never even giving them a chance.

But a few days ago, an angel stepped in. Pooka, a former Collared Scholar dog who is now residing out of state, called in the help of his former temporary parents, with whom he lived last summer, and who just happen to live in the Coronado area. Pooka's temporary mommy was instantly smitten with Sparky, who resembled her Pooka in behavior and overall exhuberance for life. She then met Taffy, Sparky's girlfriend and, although she wanted to help Sparky, couldn't bear the thought of separating the two.

A few things became abundantly clear upon meeting the two dogs. The most obvious was they needed out of the facility. Although the shelter workers adored them and the facility is top notch, these dogs needed room to run! Second, it was obvious these guys needed training!

Pooka's temporary mommy called in the help of The Collared Scholar, who agreed to take the doggies into their in kennel doggy training camp to help improve their chances of adoptability. Pooka's temporary mommy and daddy, being the true angels they are, agreed to sponsor these two dogs to ensure all of their needs were taken care of during their time at doggy camp.

When I went to pick these two pups up, it was so evident how much these dogs were loved at the facility where they stayed. I was met with hugs and tears and I am incredibly grateful to have been a part of the entire experience.

These dogs will stay at The Collared Scholar's ranch for intensive training for the next four weeks. They will be taught all of their doggy manners both inside and outside of the house so they can graduate and become true ambassadors for their breed. Upon their adoption, these dogs will have LIFETIME training through The Collared Scholar and our trainers will be there to ensure every step of the transition into their new home goes smoothly.

Keep checking the blog for updates and video of their progress. Also, help us spread the word and find these amazing doggies the forever homes they truly deserve. They will come with lifetime training and can be adopted out separately or together.