Thursday, July 23, 2009

Handsome Hamlet!

Hamlet is the newest member of the gang to join us for daycare and train. Hamlet is an incredibly handsome golden retriever who is joining us for dog to dog aggression issues. You heard aggressive golden retriever!

Hamlet barks and lunges at other dogs while on leash, nearly giving his mom a heart attack on walks. He has also gotten into a pretty good tiff at a local park, causing his mom to keep him away from off leash parks and beaches altogether.

Enter The Collared Scholar......

Hamlet is going to be spending his days at "Summer Camp" with our trainers to learn how to play nice. We have already had the pleasure of having this cute kid with us for a day and let me tell you....we loved it! Not only is he incredibly receptive of the training we are doing, he is also just about the BEST cuddler you could ask for! Here are some pics of Hamlet on his first day of training. Keep an eye out for video of Hamlet once he is fully rehabilitated!

Vote for Us!

The Collared Scholar has been nominated one of San Diego's BEST dog training companies but we need YOUR help to clench the title!

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Thanks as always for your continued support!