Important Alert for ALL dog owners!

Last night, Norbie was admitted to the ER. He had apparently eaten 2lbs of raisins. According the the veterinarian, raisins are very lethal for dogs - more so than chocolate. Personally, I had no idea about this secret doggy killer hiding in my pantry and I doubt Norbie's mom did either. Now, poor Norbie is struggling at the Animal ER.
I did some poking around and it appears that raisins cause acute renal failure in dogs. Symptoms include vomitting, diarrhea and trembling.
Please be cautious and keep raisins away from your four legged friend. And equally as important, please keep sweet Norbie in your thoughts and prayers.
Get well soon my sweet boy! Your family at Metropawlitan Dog is praying for you!
Labels: Dog, poison, raisin toxicity in dogs